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Review Social Media Content Pipeline

Created on Thursday 9 July 2020, 13:29

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    Metabolism of Cities
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  • Type
    Communication and engagement
  • Tags
    2020 Launch Sprint Good entry-level task
  • Assigned to
    Aristide Athanassiadis
  • Subscribers
    Aristide Athanassiadis
    Kim Finlay
    Paul Hoekman

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This task looks at the proposed Content production pipeline for our social media posts done in AirTable. Attached is a quick overview of how it is structured and how to use airtable.

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Hi Kim,

Thanks so much for this video and comprehensive walk-through! Hereby a few comments from my side. I think there are two components to discuss: the actual content, and the workflow. I'll split them up below.


The content that I see in the airtable is the following, spread out of 6 weeks:

  1. Intro to MoC (includes the launch of new site and general intro)

  2. Library

  3. Multimedia Library

  4. Data Hub

  5. Community Hub

  6. Education Hub

I would say a project-based focus every week makes sense. That way we don't flood people with a crazy mix of content but instead try to bring some cohesion to each week's posts. Some things we should consider:

  1. What happens if additional "urgent" posts come up about another project? Do we store them (which means they become less relevant), or do we post them? Perhaps we need to work with clear theming to make it visually clear when we're posting "out of the current cycle". Not sure.

  2. I think your idea of putting the most developed projects first and see about the other ones as they develop make sense. I would, however, add PlatformU to the mix,

  3. The Data hub is so much "in flux" that I think we can put it tentatively in week 4, where it is now, and then again in week 8-9, when there are likely lots of new things available.

  4. We should dedicate one week to "contributing to MoC" or "becoming part of our community", or something like that. There are lots of things people can do and it would be great to talk about work sprints, onboarding meetings, tasks, etc. As for timing perhaps in the middle (week 3-4) would suit best, not sure.

  5. We will also have a specifically policy-maker oriented campaign and it could be worth having this as a separate focus week.

  6. In some previous discussion, Aris brought up "pillar" content, which was used to create lots of smaller social media snippets. Have you thought of this within this plan?

Those are the things that come to mind regarding content.


With regards to workflow, I think the functions of Airtable look very good. However, as shown earlier on we have a system embedded within our website to automatically prepare content based on postings on our website, and to then spread them to social media. And as you know we have our system with tasks also set up. So it seems like we have lots of ingredients there to make something similar to Airtables, without having to resort to a third-party tool. I'd prefer this, as it would spread our efforts more thinly and it would also decentralize our operations. Perhaps you can have a look at what kinds of things in Airtable you think we need to add to our website to get the key benefits that we don't have yet? It could be a matter primarily visual, around formatting the social media content in a similar week-by-week, tabular format - but it could also be more than that. Let me know what you think.

Thanks for the feedback Paul!

  1. I should mention that the structure in AirTable is only for this constructed content plan that is designed to be a bit more intentional than the automated streams thus this is temporary.

WORKFLOW and Replacing AirTable: I wonder if we should have this as a separate portal as we have done with design? Or as we discussed a communications portal - somewhere we can see all the planned social media posts at a glance, including the automated ones. These would be represented as tasks. For these tasks we can have some sort of pipeline of development/curation and status of each post (idea, draft, reviewed, ready to post, etc)

  1. Perhaps as a general approach to all these projects that are "in flux" we create some visual content that can be utilised as things change much like these notification graphics that we have, we can have 2-3 types of Data Hub posts that are varied in their captions and written content. This would create like a communications toolkit for each page that can be quickly curated when there is a new update or an automated post?

  2. Same goes for projects that are not fully developed/final stage - everything should work so there is maximum flexibility and these posts can be picked up by most people in the know.

  3. Absolutely, so for each "campaign" there is a parallel contributor post. And I also think we can standardise the way these events and calls are designed so that they can be used as needed

  4. for sure!

  5. I'll look into this

I think this looks great! Easy to understand and very organized on Airtable. Anything similar integrated into the website could be helpful as well. I have two suggestions/considerations that may or may not be helpful:
1. Ordering the posts by status (i.e. idea, draft, etc.) or by publish date within each week could be helpful in keeping track of the highest-priority items more easily. I'm not sure if this was the intention once dates begin to be more finalized? Right now, I don't think it's overwhelming to simply go through each week quickly and see what needs to be done most urgently, but it may be helpful in the future if things start to feel overwhelming. From what I saw on Airtable this might just require a quick re-ordering of one of those columns (e.g. order top-to-bottom by intended publishing date).
2. Some of this was addressed in the video, but should there consideration for entering different written content for the various platforms of Twitter, Instagram, or LinkedIn? I'm not sure whether it would be easier to use separate rows in AirTable for each platform or just add separate entries within the same "Written Content" block for the row. I'm thinking written content/caption for an Instagram post may look different from a LinkedIn post for example. It could also be whoever is posting will use the "Written Content" block as a template and adjust as necessary for each desired social media platform. I think there's a simple fix in terms of agreeing on how we'd like that entered into AirTable, but something to consider.

Again, the setup looks great!

Hi George, sorry for the late reply! You are totally right, once dates are added things become a lot more logical. What's nice about airtable is that you can group by different categories so you can prioritise posts according to what you need to do first or by platform etc. You are right about differnt written content for different platforms. I've tried to outline an "airtable" format for our own community hub as well

That structure is here

Task was assigned to Aristide Athanassiadis

Status change: Open → In Progress

Hey Kim,

It is very nice to hear another voice for our voice recordings!! Thanks a lot for the structure and showing us how to do so with Airtable.

Something I'm not to sure to understand (perhaps I missed it) is whether the week structure is something we will only keep for the launch or even after that?

I do like that we pull info from different subprojects (perhaps the post could also have a different colour template, based on which project it comes from?). However, perhaps after the end of the first batch of 6-7 weeks perhaps we could mix them up and have a different project highlighted per day. In that way, if a viewer is only interested in one project then they don't wait 6 weeks to see a post but 1.

In the future, we could also think about a thematic week (for instance on water, on digital tools, etc.) and the post could come in from different project.

This could be a core semi-automated, semi-curated process (meaning there is an automated calendar per project, we just add posts per project and it is scheduled for the next couple of weeks).

However, I feel there should be a cross-cutting thread which is coming from a/ automated posts coming from added datasets/events/... (which we should not hold back with everyone but I guess only on twitter and the events perhaps on LinkedIn as well) b/ the famous pillar content. This would be a longer form of video (from a course/podcast/ etc.) which is broken down in chuncks of videos, or we take differents screenshots with some text on it, etc.

I don't know whether these are two diverging strategies or not. Depending on that we can have a more in-depth chat.

Status change: In Progress → Completed

Thanks Aris! I think the structure would be nice to follow for a few weeks just as an introduction to all the MoC components but then yes indeed mix them up and feature specific projects in depth (pillar content style!)

Got it thanks Kim!